Sacramento Divorce Solutions, Inc.

Sacramento California 95825

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Sacramento Divorce Solutions, Inc. - Mediation, Litigation, Consultations

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More About Sacramento Divorce Solutions, Inc.

Respected Divorce and Family Law Mediator, skilled Litigators, excellent Trial Attorney. Trusted and Experienced in complex financial and custody issues.

Michael Jonsson

Michael Jonsson is the Family and Divorce Mediator for Sacramento Divorce Solutions, Inc.  He started practicing family law in Sacramento in 1993, and through the years his personal practice evolved from litigation, to one exclusively of Divorce Mediation and Family Mediation.  Mike uses his Divorce Mediation and Family Mediation expertise to help clients resolve a full range of conflicts, including those involving divorce, custody, property division, child support, and spousal support issues. Mike is highly respected in the family law community, and was recently honored as one of Sacramento’s best mediators in the August, 2016, edition of Sacramento Magazine (see “Sacramento’s Top Lawyers”).

Mike is a member of the Family Law Sections of both the California State Bar Association (, and Sacramento County Bar Association ( He was the 2004 Chairperson of the Children’s Counsel Section of the Sacramento County Bar Association; the 2005 – 2006 Chairperson of the Custody Subcommittee of the Family Law section of the Sacramento County Bar Association (a working group of judges, court administrators, mental health experts, and attorneys, who reviewed and made policy recommendations to the Court on family law practice issues); and the 2011 Chairperson of the Sacramento County Bar Family Law Section, as well as serving on its executive committee from 2008 – 2012.

Mike has trained family mediators on ethical issues, collaborative practice professionals on the flexible model of collaborative practice, and attorneys for Court appointment to represent children in family law matters. He has also trained attorneys and mental health professionals for appointment as Special Masters on Custody Issues. In addition to recently being honored as one of Sacramento’s best mediators by Sacramento Magazine, in 2013, he was honored as one of Sacramento’s top lawyers by the Sacramento Business Journal (“Best of the Bar”, September 6, 2013). Mike is a member of the Academy of Professional Family Mediators (, and the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (